High School
For Youth Entering Grades 9-12

Classic Camps
Come enjoy some of the most beloved programs of Sugar Creek where you will make life-long connections and grow in faith through camp activities like beach worships, canoe trips, horse rides, archery, and more!
Sugar Creek offers two exciting weeks of Confirmation Camp! Youth will enjoy all the great activities of camp, meet new friends, and spend memorable time with their Confirmation class in one of our lodges or outdoors in God’s glorious creation! Enjoy adventures with your counselors and cabin group canoeing, swimming, hiking, horseback riding, and more!
Clergy or youth leaders come free of charge and lead 90 minutes of daily confirmation time. At Sugar Creek, Confirmation Camp leaders are housed together with other adults for the week but are encouraged to participate in all the fun camp activities throughout the day!
New for 2025: Individuals who do not have a church group to go with may register for Confirmation Camp.
Church leaders: please call or e-mail to pre-register your group.
Cost: Tiered Pricing
Adult leaders are suggested to pay $300 to help cover housing, food, and other costs.
Dates: June 15-20, July 20-25
Venture in the wild beyond and discover the diverse wildlife and geography found at Sugar Creek! Rangers will spend a week, in a supportive team, learning and practicing essential survival skills such as fire building, foraging, and creating shelter. Practice your leadership skills for real life, in this unique outdoor adventure.
Of course, these campers will enjoy classic camp activities, too, like swimming, canoeing, horseback riding, and archery… Campers will also have faith and life talks, and world-class campfires deeply immersed in God’s creation.
Rangers stay in cabins most nights but also get the chance to camp overnight in the woods! Sign up for this new program today for a Sugar Creek experience you will not want to miss.
Cost: Tiered Pricing
Dates: July 20-25
Riverboaters (ENTERING GRADES 9-12)
Join friends (new and old) on a memory-making journey on the Mississippi River!
You can explore the dunes, swim, slide, boat, laugh, and play in the beauty of God’s amazing creation! Enjoy campfires by the water and Bible study on the sandbars as well as intentional community-building activities.
Each boat sleeps 6-10 campers onboard plus 2 counselors. This is a fantastic experience for high school youth – and church youth groups! Note: RSVP soon, as Riverboats fills quickly.
Cost: Tier 1 or 2 Pricing
Dates: June 15-20, June 22-27, July 6-11, July 13-18, July 20-25, and July 27-August 1
Specialty Camps
Camp is the place to connect and celebrate who God made you to be! Sugar Creek’s specialty camps allow campers to explore faith and community through shared interests.

Explore the rugged wooded trails of Sugar Creek and beyond! Campers will build on beginner mountain biking skills and bond as a team. Special daily sessions teach rugged riding skills, bike maintenance, and more.
We provide camping gear, food, youth ministry staff, and activities. Please bring your helmet and a mountain bike in good working order. (Contact the camp office in advance if you do not own a bicycle; we can possibly help to find a working bike that fits you, if we know ahead of time.) Campers entering this program should be able to ride at least 10 miles a day at a steady pace.
Cost: Tiered Pricing
Dates: July 6-11
Campers will dive into a fun-filled week of games and activities designed to build teamwork, encourage creativity, and help them find strength in their shared faith. This sport-themed camp includes a wide range of sports with exciting, wacky twists—like our Disc Golf Olympics, where campers compete in unique disc challenges, and a ‘Build Your Own Mini Golf Course’ project, where imagination meets friendly competition. And don’t forget wacky water sports that add an extra splash of adventure! With something for every athletic level, campers are invited to jump in, make friends, and grow in faith together. All are welcome to come, play, and celebrate their inner athlete!
Cost: Tiered Pricing
Dates: June 22-27
Adventure Camps
Campers will enjoy a wide range of activities that will build their outdoor skills while living in a life giving community that will cheer them on.

Strap up your boots and grab your hammocks for this epic camp adventure! Journey to special campsites each day. You’ll visit remote and serene corners of camp, pausing for devotions, Bible studies, worships, and fun along the way. Aside from all the new places campers will discover deep in our 660 acres, returners will find familiar places as well like the pool, challenge course, and Art Barn! Campers will sleep at multiple campsites in their hammocks throughout the week!
There will be rooms in a lodge reserved for you in case of bad weather.
Cost: Tiered Pricing
Dates: July 27-Aug. 1
Would you like to try an exciting outdoor adventure? Do you like biking, canoeing, camping and more? Then this “do it all” trip is for you! You’ll bike the scenic Elroy-Sparta Bike Trail, canoe on the breathtakingly beautiful Kickapoo River, and camp out with your friends along the way. Your travel adventures will also include fun camp activities such as games, campfires, Bible study, team building and more! Come with your youth group, a friend, or by yourself and make friends along the way!
This program is also great for Confirmation groups who want to bond in a new way. If the weeks offered on the schedule don’t work for your Confirmation group, please call. We can possibly find another week—or a custom program—for your community/youth group.
We provide camping gear, food, youth ministry staff, and activities. Please bring your helmet and a bike in good working order. (Contact the camp office in advance if you do not own a bicycle; we can possibly help to find a working bike that fits you, if we know ahead of time.) Campers entering this program should be able to ride at least 10 miles a day at a steady pace.
Cost: Tiered Pricing
Dates: July 13-18
Night Camp (Entering Grades 9-12)
Experience the beauty of Sugar Creek under the stars at Night Camp! Campers will spend late nights building blazing campfires, encountering night-time wildlife, playing crazy games, and taking part in fun projects and missions.
In addition to unique night-time activities, campers will also have an opportunity to be a part of classic camp experiences like swimming at the pool, the Christ Hike, Bible studies, devotions, worships, and crafts. Join us for this Sugar Creek program that is like no other!
Cost: Tiered Pricing
Dates: June 22-27

Horse Camps
Saddle up and hit the trails! Horse Campers will grow in faith and connect with nature by building relationships with Sugar Creek’s horses. Horse camps include a Bluff Overnight with the herd!

“Saddle up” for a week of hands-on experience with the camp wranglers! Help with the horse program at Sugar Creek, assist on trail rides, and learn about tack care, horsemanship, safety strategies, and general horse care.
A maximum of four people per session ensures that you will get a lot of time in the saddle as well as working directly with and around all the horses at camp.
Cost: Tiered Pricing
Dates: June 15-20, July 27-Aug 1
For previous Jr. Wranglers or those with similar horse experience. Come for this 2 week experience for a deeper dive into working as a wrangler at Sugar Creek. (Weekend not included). Camperships are available.
A maximum of four people per session ensures that you will get a lot of time in the saddle as well as working directly with and around all the horses at camp. A great “resume builder” for our future summer camp Wranglers!
Cost: Tiered Pricing (2 Weeks with a Discount)
Dates: July 13-18 & July 20-25
L.E.A.D. Leaders Engaged as Disciples
Step up to an action-packed 4-week program of real leadership training from experienced presenters, with more responsibilities, greater resume builders, and even more chances to play and pray with the trained youth ministry staff and energetic younger campers of Sugar Creek.
Make an impact on peers and younger youth, right now. Grow in real-life leadership, personal confidence, and life-changing peer ministry skills for school, church, work, and beyond.
Applications are available starting Nov. 1, 2024. Full tuition scholarship of $3,200 for 4-week program is awarded to participants whose applications are accepted. Participants also receive a small weekly stipend for spending money.
Dates: June 15–July 11 or July 13–Aug. 8
Tiered Pricing for Everyone
All youth should be able to experience Bible camp, regardless of a family’s financial abilities. Sugar Creek offers voluntary, 3 tiered pricing to better meet needs. The actual price of a traditional week of camp is approximately $800/week, far lower than the national average thanks to donations, help from churches, amazing volunteers and more. You pay what you can afford while the difference will be met by donations.
Summer 2025 Tiered Prices:
Tier 1: $795 – closest to covering the actual cost of your experience
Tier 2: $595 – subsidized for families needing the option to make camp more affordable
Tier 3: $495 – reflects more subsidies from churches, fundraisers, and camp supporters
Please consider selecting the highest price you can afford, to help more kids receive scholarship money for camp. Families with three or more children attending camp can also receive a significant discount for each child after the first two. The tier selected will not affect your child’s camp experience. Costs for some programs, like Riverboaters or Explorers, have a set rate due to certain cost factors.
“Camperships” are often available at your home congregation; contact your church for info. For additional Camperships, please fill out an application form. With God’s help, your kids can have this meaningful adventure!